Produced once again by her husband and head of the Compass Bros. Record label, Graham Thompson, "Family Tree" features 12 brand new songs, 10 written by Melinda, and each stamped with her sensational, emotive voice, a catchy melody and plenty of charm. The first single "Real People", hits radio this week and features a true-blue video shot around Rockhampton - the inspiration for the song and home to many of her family, people she considers 'real'.
"Melinda Schneider should savour this moment when her artistic vision can be fully realised by an outstanding group of twelve songs plus a setting utilising some of the finest players, sound persons and subsidiary support you could assemble. The whole project is loaded with infectious, positive energy that exudes the natural character of the singer and writer/co-writer of the bulk of the material. Schneider has everything going for her but it has much more to do with talent than luck and this is a fine, coherent album brimming over with verve and heart," Keith Glass : Country Capital News May 2004
"The seeds sown with Happy Tears have grown and flourished on Family Tree, an album which truly reflects the heart and soul of Melinda Schneider from the ground up." Bob Anthony, Country Update Magazine
"Its contemporary edge has successfully taken the substance of great hillbilly music into the twenty-first century" Rosie Adsett, Country Update Magazine